About JobOrt

Our App

People use JobOrt to hire taskers or seek job. JobOrt is free and offers simple, secure, reliable platform for hiring and seeking job, available on phones.

JobOrt is a pun on the phrase job ort. Ort is a German word meaning place or location. Here the place is represented by the cloud. Yes JobOrt simply means jobs in the cloud.

Taskers pay percentage service fee on every paid task received.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide people with taskers to do the task they are too busy to do or not too skilled to perform. It's our mission also to provide recruiters with reliable and resourceful work force. Behind every product decision is our desire to let people easily get a part time job to depend on while seeking permanent job anywhere in the world without barriers.

Our Team

JobOrt is a product of Kuulchat Media, a software development company in Ghana. Our team is ready to assist you anytime you contact us.