1. I wish to add or delete job interest. How can I do this?

You are asked to add your job interest if you are interested to work on JobOrt during the registration. To update your job interests, please follow the steps below:

1. Click on the more menu icon on the home page
2. Select Add Job Interest
3. Select interested job
4. Click on the plus floating button to add job interest
5. To delete a job interest, click on the delete button next to the added job interest

2. I wasn't in a good mood when taking my profile photo with the camera. How can I change my profile photo?

You can change your profile photo in settings.

1. Click on the more menu icon on the home page
2. Select Settings
3. Click on Change Profile Photo
4. Take a new photo via the camera
5. Click on the update button to update profile photo

3. My phone camera isn't working. What should I do?

For safety and security reasons, it is compulsory for users to add a profile photo via their camera. If your camera is not working, use someone's phone to sign up.

Once you've already signed up, the next time you are signing in, you won't be required to add a profile photo since you've already have one so far as you are using the same phone number to login.

4. I am not receiving notifications. What could be the problem?

During installation, especially apple users, you are notified to confirm to receiving notifications. You may have denied that when prompted. You will have to go to settings to enable notifications for JobOrt before you can start receiving notifications.